Nandini K

May 25, 20233 min

How To Wash Cotton Saree At Home?

The Ultimate Guide: How to Wash Cotton Sarees at Home with Care

Cotton sarees are timeless and elegant garments that hold a special place in every Indian woman's wardrobe. As delicate as they are beautiful, cotton sarees require proper care to maintain their luster and longevity. By following a few simple steps, you can wash your cotton sarees at home without causing any damage. In this guide, we'll take you through a step-by-step process to ensure a gentle and effective cleaning routine for your beloved cotton sarees.

1. Sorting and Preparing:

Before you begin washing your cotton saree, sort them by color. Group similar shades together to prevent color bleeding. Check for any stains or spots and pre-treat them using a mild stain remover or a paste of baking soda and water. Allow the paste to sit for a few minutes before gently rinsing it off.

2. Gentle Hand Wash:

To preserve the delicate fibers of your cotton saree, it is recommended to hand wash them. Fill a clean basin or sink with lukewarm water and add a gentle detergent suitable for delicate fabrics. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals as they can damage the cotton fibers. Swirl the saree in the water for a few minutes, gently squeezing and pressing to remove any dirt or residue. Pay extra attention to the pleats and borders, as these areas tend to accumulate more dirt.

3. Rinse and Repeat:

After the initial wash, drain the soapy water and refill the basin with clean water. Rinse the saree thoroughly to remove any traces of detergent. Repeat this process until the water runs clear, ensuring all the soap is removed. Be gentle while rinsing to prevent stretching or damaging the fabric.

4. Drying the Saree:

Avoid wringing the saree forcefully as it can distort its shape. Instead, carefully squeeze out excess water by gently pressing the fabric against the side of the basin. Lay a clean, dry towel on a flat surface and place the saree on top. Roll the towel, along with the saree, to absorb the remaining moisture. Unroll the towel and transfer the saree onto another dry towel or a clean, flat surface. Arrange it carefully, smoothing out any wrinkles or folds. Avoid direct sunlight while drying, as it can cause the colors to fade. It is best to dry your cotton saree in a shaded, well-ventilated area.

5. Ironing and Storing:

Once your cotton saree is completely dry, iron it at a low to medium heat setting. Ensure that the iron is clean and free from any residue that could transfer onto the fabric. Iron the saree on the reverse side to prevent any direct contact with the iron. Pay special attention to pleats, borders, and embellishments to achieve a crisp and polished look.

After ironing, fold the saree neatly and store it in a clean, dry place. Use muslin cloth or acid-free tissue paper to wrap the saree to prevent any moisture or discoloration. Avoid hanging the saree for extended periods as it can lead to stretching.


With these simple steps, you can confidently wash your cotton sarees at home, keeping them fresh and vibrant for years to come. Remember, gentle hand washing, proper rinsing, careful drying, and correct storage techniques are key to maintaining the beauty and longevity of your cherished cotton sarees. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy wearing your cotton sarees while preserving their elegance and charm.
